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Fletchers first musical influences started in the classrooms and choirs he frequented through school but after moving to Berlin in 2018 RnB and Electronica have become primary influences for Fletchers art. Fletcher aims to write music with enough lyricism to attract the conscious listeners but also incorporates the atmospheric role of electronic music. 2020 allowed Fletcher to play in all sorts of spaces in Berlin – in parks all over Berlin at various open airs in silent concerts that abided by Corona restrictions and during the lockdown in Berlin Fletcher gave weekly concerts from his window to neighbours and local listeners. Over the past year Fletcher has started to be influenced by the world-leading electronic scene in Berlin and is now incorporating RnB drums with synthesizers and classical elements for a unique digestible experience. Fletchers upcoming Late Nights EP combines emotive vocals with driving tempos and dance-inspired beats finding its place in clubs and bedrooms alike. Fletcher reflects on his discipline his feelings and his future. Fletcher also has a more Electronic-driven EP being released with Amsterdam label Dopeness Galore. Fletcher wants to offer something unique to RnB fans in the way of electronic elements and something unique to Electronic fans in the way of Classical/RnB elements. While RnB is often more appropriate with a conscious listener and a focus on lyricism electronic music is more influenced by the atmosphere it creates and encourages listeners to focus on a simple idea executed perfectly. Fletcher is hoping to find the medium between these two.