Our environment needs help, and Shipwrecked wants to do as much as we can to help her.
Alongside our constant efforts to preserve the whenua here, we strive to be minimum impact.
This means doing everything we can to reduce our impact on the earth, minimise waste and help to return nature to how she should be. To help minimise the waste created, please take home everything you brought with you. Shipwrecked is aiming to be zero waste, but we can only do this with your help. Try to bring waste-friendly snacks. Leave the plastic packets and bags at home and bring reusable containers, beeswax wraps, and unpacked fruits and veggies.
Most of the drinks at the Shipwrecked bars are served in stainless steel cups. These reusable cups help us in cutting out a huge amount of potential waste! On arrival at the bar, there will be a deposit added on to your first drink purchase only. Hold on to your cup for the weekend or swap it out for a fresh one. By eliminating single-use cups, we are taking a massive step towards creating a cleaner, happier environment, and a happy environment is good for all!
Bring a refillable water bottle with you, fill it up for free, and save the need for a plastic bottle. Pack your keep cup for coffees, teas, and smoothies. Bring reusable plates and cutlery – grab some funky ones from the Salvation Army or another op shop and help two good causes in one!
With the help of the excellent Waste Wizards team, our volunteers, and our epic crowd, we have diverted over 90% of the waste from the landfill in the previous years! We strive to be a zero-waste event, and we work towards this by having our vendors present food in compostable serve ware, most of our drinks served in stainless steel cups, and by providing waste stations set up throughout our site. These stations make it easy to choose the right bin – rubbish, compost, and recycling. Please take advantage of them.
Tins for cigarette butts are located around the site so please make use of them. Consider bringing your own or support the cause by purchasing a funky Shipwrecked portable ashtray! NEVER throw cigarettes on the ground.
RIDE SHARE or take the bus
We fully endorse carpooling! Rideshare is an excellent way to reduce the number of cars on the road and a great way to meet fellow festival-goers, so get in touch with other Shipwrecked guests via our Shipwrecked NZ Community Hub facebook page.
This year we are also providing a bus to Shipwrecked on Friday morning, and home again on Sunday. You can purchase a ticket for either direction as an addon when you first buy your ticket, or later on by logging into your Ticket Fairy account.